All-on-four & All-on-six dental implants

What are All-on-four and All-on-six?

All-on-four/All-on-six is a concept that includes implementing four/six implants in a completely toothless jaw and placing a fixed bridge on them. This method enables toothless patients and those with dentures to have a fixed prosthetic solution instead of having removable dentures.

Dental implants are a long-term solution for a missing tooth or missing teeth, and if the patient maintains proper oral hygiene and doesn’t miss regular check-ups, a lifetime guarantee is secured.

Insertion procedure for All-on four/All-on-six dental implants

Free first appointment

  • Clinical examination by the doctor
  • Dental radiography & 3D CT scan
  • Consultation about the choice of the best procedure and optimal solution for you
  • Digital Smile Design plan
Digital Smile Design plan
Modern procedure of planning dental rehabilitation that enables us to do the detailed planning and enables you to get the insight into your final work. It is composed of the following:
  • Intraoral photographing of your current situation
  • Making the digital imprint by using the intraoral scanner
  • Photoshoot in our studio as the part of our photo-video protocol so that you can see video representation of your future smile
  • Making the digital model of your new smile
  • Once your simulated smile is done we will present you the digital model
Once your simulated smile is done we will present you the digital model
Under the guidance of experienced and professional team that has thousands of dental implant placement procedures behind them, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. If it is necessary, the patient will also be sedated. Your trust is our mission, and we are giving our best to make this experience as pleasant as it can be.

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Healing Process (osseointegration)
It takes from about 2-6 months to complete dental work. It is really important for us to follow you every step of the way, especially right after the performance of the procedure itself. Our doctors and call center are always there for you, to support you, to make a follow up appointment so that you can always feel safe and sound.

Experience and Expertise of Our Doctors

At Digital Smile Academy we are up to date with the latest trends and technology, we never stop learning so we can create healthy and bright smile for our patients.

Marko Vukić, Doctor of Dental Medicine

We can help you. Call +385 1 557 14 00 or send an e-mail.

Lifetime guarantee for implants

When designing your smile, we are using leading world materials. That is why we resolve your esthetic problems when it comes to teeth loss by using MIS implant system. MIS implant system has all the qualities and best characteristics when it comes to creating a perfect smile.
*Guarantee is valid only if the patient maintains proper oral hygiene and does regular dental checkups.

With the latest digital technology, it is possible to deliver prosthetic work without taking imprints and doing number of visits.

1 out of 17 inserted implants in the world is MIS implant, MIS implants are used in 65 states across the country and they represent the top of dental innovation in the world.

Once the digital denture is done, it fits perfectly in the patient’s mouth and there is no need to do additional adjusting, the look of the denture itself is natural.

MIS (MAKE IT SIMPLE) implants have one of a kind design. They were invented by the doctors for the doctors and they make the optimal integration and bone healing possible. The main MISsion of these revolutionary and innovative implants is to make the procedure of dental implant placement more simple and perfectly precise.

What can All-on four/All-on-six offer?

Top esthetic results

Completion of the procedure in one day

Natural-looking face

Your all-on-four will feel like natural teeth

All-on-four/all-on-six dental implants advantages

Completely toothless jaw represents esthetic and functional problem and therefore is extremely uncomfortable for patients. Fixed dentures on 4 or 6 implants will solve this problem and make it possible for you to get fixed teeth in 24 hours. Your first solution will be temporary, while the second denture is permanent.


Four or six implants are inserted in a completely toothless jaw and fixed bridge is placed over them. This procedure is less painful for the patient and the recovery time is significantly shorter.


By using All-on-4 method, patients with dentures or completely toothless patients now have the possibility of having a fixed set of teeth instead of dentures that need to be taken out at least twice a day.

Fast and Efficient

All-on-four/All-on-six method makes it possible to solve the problem of missing teeth in a short time span, it minimizes the number of visits and increases the result quality.

“Smile in one day” concept

From being toothless to having a smile in one day

All-on-four/All-on-six method enables completely toothless patients or those who are missing a significant number of teeth to have a brand-new smile in one day only.

Plan of Therapy

After a detailed dental checkup and a number of diagnostic procedures, a patient is presented with a detailed plan of therapy that includes All-on-four/All-on-six method.

Fast and efficient

Four or six implants, abutments and temporary prosthesis are inserted in one day only. After several months, bone and tissue surrounding the implants will heal completely and the final prosthetic solution will be placed.

Life quality

All-on-four/All -on-six method makes it possible for the patient to go from being toothless and having functional and esthetic problems regarding his smile to having a perfect smile in one day. Apart from being esthetically perfect, All-on-four enables patients to function normally in every-day life and it significantly improves quality of life. Patients can now eat normally, smile, hang out, be successful in their jobs and regain self-confidence.

* All-on-four/All -on-six is not recommended for the patients suffering from poorly controlled diabetes, advanced osteoporosis and for patients that have been exposed to the radiation of the head and neck area in the last months

Digital Smile Academy is the leading clinic for implantology and dental prosthetic in Croatia with a 25-year long experience and over 60.000 patients. Our 98% success rate is the reason enough for you to join us and bring beautiful and healthy smile back on your face

Dental Implants insertion

What makes us so special?

Digital Smile Academy is the leading clinic for implantology and dental prosthetics in Croatia. Our doctors are among the best and their knowledge is based on a 25-year long experience and over 60.000 patients. Digital Smile Academy staff is always thriving for education and keeps learning from the best experts that help us turn our visionary dreams into the future.


We have over 98% success rate in the field of dental implantology. If the patients follow guidelines regarding oral hygiene and with regular check-ups, they will have a lifetime guarantee for dental implants.

Digital Smile Academy is based on Digital Smile Design (DSD), the contemporary procedure of planning dental rehabilitation that offers the possibility of detailed planning, at the same time patient can get the real insight at the final result of their future smile.


This is all about the design of a smile according to which the temporary, provisional representation of a new smile is made in the patient’s mouth.

Besides Digital Smile Design, Digital Smile Academy is also based on the digital protocol of the oral rehabilitation that can be carried out through application of digital technology.


Digital data collections, dental photography and scanning of the current situation are all tools to obtain final prosthetic solution, all that without the classic imprint taking and doing multiple try-ons.


This method reduces the number of patient’s visits to the clinic while digital technology enables the creation of natural looking teeth.

Clinical cases of dental implant placements


Patients about us

What is the price of All-on-four/All-on-six dental implants?

Since we approach our patients individually, every plan of therapy is programmed specifically for an individual and it depends on the one’s current dental situation. That is why the costs vary from patient to patient.  

In our clinic we are trying to offer the best prices possible, the price of the final work depends from case to case.

The price of therapy includes free 3D CT scan, the most advanced RTG diagnostics.

The price also includes free first appointment and consultation with your doctor.

Would you like to know the price?

Frequently asked questions

In our clinic we work with premium brands that satisfy our needs in the field of dental implantology. Functional and esthetic problems caused by missing teeth are solved by using MIS implant system, and the final result is natural, healthy and pretty smile.

All our implants have a lifetime guarantee. After the placement of dental implants, we instruct the patients on oral hygiene and ask them to come for regular dental checkups. If they stick to our doctor’s advice, the implants are a lifetime solution. 

Regular dentist cannot do the dental implants placement. In our clinic dental implants are inserted by experienced surgeons that are the only ones in Europe to perform computer guided dental implants placement in real time. This ensures the precise placement. Computer-guided placement of dental in real time makes the best result possible. 

Bone grafting before dental implants insertion is not necessary, it needs to be done only if there is a significant bone loss; in those cases, we do bone augmentation. During the first appointment, dental implantologists use a number of diagnostic procedures to examine the patient’s condition and suggest the best possible therapy.

Knowing whether someone is a good candidate or not depends on the diagnostic examination. After a thorough patient examination and a good look of his radiography the doctor can decide if the patient is candidate for dental implants. Only then a detailed plan can be set.

After the diagnostic examination and confirmation that the patient is suitable for dental implants, and only after the detailed plan of therapy, the procedure can be performed. In our clinic the success of dental implants placement is over 98%. Therefore, the risks are minimal.

After the dental implants placement, usually it takes from about three to four months for the bone to grow around the implants. The healing process depends from the patient to patient

Number of visits depends on the patient, i.e. it differs from case to case. But usually it takes two to three visits to the clinic.

Dental implants or dentures?

What are the differences in treatments, what is best for you, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Zubni implantati ili zubni most

Susjedni zubi

Kod ugradnje zubnog implantata ne diraju se susjedni zubi, dok je situacija kod ugradnje zubnog mosta drugačija, ona zahtijeva uključivanje susjednih zubi, odnosno njihovo brušenje koje može uzrokovati osjetljivost zubi.

Utjecaj na zubnu kost

Ugradnja zubnih implantata i zubnog mosta mogu imati isti estetski učinak, ali kako vrijeme prolazi u slučaju ugradnje zubnog mosta, može doći do atrofije zubne kosti u području nedostajućeg zuba, što često dovodi do recesije oko susjednih zuba.


Ispod ili iznad zubne krune nastaje zubni karijes koji se teško može dijagnosticirati. Ako se nastali zubni karijesi ne prepoznaju, mogu narasti do zubne pulpe, odnosno zubne srži, što može uzrokovati probleme u korijenskom kanalu kao i patologiju na vrhu zubnog korijena. S daljnjim uništavanjem zuba, on će imati prijelomnu pokretljivost i često povezane infekcije.


Uspoređujući ove dvije opcije nadoknađivanja izgubljenog zuba, potencijalna infekcija koja može nastati kod ugradnje zubnog mosta može uzrokovati neugodnu gnojnu fistulu iz koje se gnoj spušta u usta i uzrokuje neugodan zadah.

Problemi sa zubnim mostom

Nakon toga ispod zubnih desni dolazi do uništavanja zubne kosti i jedino rješenje moguće u tom trenutku je micanje ugrađenog zubnog mosta kao i uništenog zuba. Kako bi se zubni most ponovno ugradio potrebno je opet brusiti susjedne zubne i povećati zubni most. U ovoj situaciji kad se zubni most treba ponovno ugraditi on neće izgledati jednako dobro kao originalni zubni most koji je ugrađen prije nego je došlo do recesije oko susjednih zubi.

Koja opcija je bolja

Uspoređujući ova dva načina nadoknađivanja izgubljenog zuba, možemo zaključiti da je ugradnja zubnih implantata manje traumatična i iziskuje manji trošak jer ne uzrokuje probleme koji dovode do dodatnih zahvata i nadogradnji.

Zubni implantati ili liječenje korijenskog kanala

Što je liječenje korijenskog kanala

Liječenje korijenskog kanala dugo se koristilo kao tretman kod zubi čiji su korijeni bili oštećeni traumom ili propadanjem. Tretman započinje tako da stomatolog, kada zub utrne, stvara otvor kroz zubnu krunu i pristupa komori zubnog živca gdje će očistiti nastalu zubnu infekciju ili maknuti zubne živce kako bi mogao napuniti zub.

Koja je metoda uspješnija

U odnosu na liječenje korijenskog kanala, zubni implantati su uspješniji, a rizik od nastanka bilo kakve infekcije je smanjen na gotovo jedan posto. Liječenje korijenskog kanala iziskuje manje troškove trenutno, ali dugoročno zubni implantati su bolja investicija.

Dugoročni efekti

Postoji jako velika mogućnost da liječenje korijenskog kanala neće uspjeti, tako da se zub treba ipak izvaditi i nadomjestiti s nečim drugim, a ako uspije, treba se ponoviti kroz pet do deset godina, što uzrokuje dodatne troškove. Iako se na prvi pogled čini bolje sačuvati prirodan zub, a ne stavljati zubni implantat, liječenje korijenskog kanala često ne uspije i na kraju dolazi do stavljanja zubnih implantata i većeg troška nego da se odmah odlučilo za ugradnju zubnog implantata.

Dental implants


By inserting the dental implants you will preserve the remaining bone structure as well as the patient’s face structure.

By choosing the denture, the patient can lose the remaining jaw structure and as the result, the face structure changes over time.

By placing dental implants, the patient has the feeling that he is chewing with his natural teeth. The set of teeth placed on the implants has same features just like real teeth.

When choosing dentures, patients often have a sensation od “fake” teeth.

Dental implants are secured directly into your jaw, so they are strong and stable.

Dentures often create movement which makes them uncomfortable.

Dental implants help restore normal chewing function.

Dentures set limitations to your chewing abilities and often patients avoid certain types of food.

Dental implants are a long-term solution.

Dentures have to be replaced or adjusted over time.

Dental implants are easier to maintain.

Dentures have to be removed for cleaning purposes.

Opening hours

Monday – Friday from 08:00am to 9:00 pm
Saturday from 08:00am to 12:00pm

+385 1 5571 400

WhatsApp / Viber
+385 92 376 6679


Contact Us

We can help you. Call +385 1 557 14 00 or send an e-mail.




Digital smile d.o.o.
Address: Dobriše Cesarića 47, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia
VAT/OIB: 78764482188 
MB: 4767942
MBS: 081113666
IBAN: HR3724840081135046153, Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.
CEO: Marko Vukić